Tired of wondering if your CS2 opponents are cheating?

Let our systems automatically scan your matches for cheaters.

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Community Matches


about 1 month ago No suspects detected


22 days ago No suspects detected


24 days ago No suspects detected


29 days ago No suspects detected


about 1 month ago No suspects detected

What our users are saying

"I waste less time spectating sketchy players now"

"Helps keep an eye on my friends"

"Lets me focus on my skills instead of doubting everyone"

"Its like my own personalized VACNET"

How it works

Curious how the magic happens? Here's a sneak peek behind the curtain!

Sign up

Get signed up and connect your Steam account so we can confirm your identity in your matches.

Play some matches

Suspectpad works with CS2's built-in replay system. Once you've had your gaming fun, simply grab your match links for a closer look.

Analyze your matches

Toss your games into the analyzer. Our systems will dive deep, scanning hundreds of thousands of metrics per player to sniff out any hint of hacks, cheats, or sneaky third-party help.

View match report

When the analysis is done, you'll get a peek at the suspects. We'll dish up a simplified view so you can spot those shady characters in no time.

Suspects, uncovered

Scanning 24/7/365

No tools required
Play in your favorite CS2 game modes. You don't need to install any third-party software or play on a third-party service.
Clean community
Join our community of dedicated gamers who want to take a stand against shady players.
All your matches in one place
Match no longer available in-game? No worries, we store all of your submitted matches on our servers.
Feed the machine
Report players directly to us and we'll tune our systems to improve our detections.